Intensity of toothache can only be described by the person feeling it. It can occur on different occasion and the intensity level is also different, depending upon the person’s ability to resist and the kind of infection.
Anyhow, the issue needs resolution before it goes beyond and you need to visit a dentistPeterborough in emergency. You have to visit your dentist anyhow, and if you don’t have one, Cornerstone Family Dentist is a great choice, because of the latest equipment and experienced dentists Peterborough. Meanwhile, you can get instant relief through the following ways.
- Clean your mouth thoroughly
Sometimes toothaches are caused by small pieces of food that have gotten lodged in the tooth and are exacerbating the pain of cavities or gingivitis. When this is the case, thoroughly cleaning your mouth can go a long way toward eliminating the pain and making the problem go away.
- Floss around the tooth. Make sure the floss goes up to your gums. Sweep it back and forth across the tooth so that it picks up any particles that have lodged there.
- Brush the area. If your ache is caused by gingivitis, this is one of the best ways to ease the pain. Brush your teeth for several minutes, concentrating on the painful area. Keep brushing until the area no longer feels as sensitive.
- Use a rinse. Finish the cleaning by using mouthwash to rinse away dislodged particles.
- Keep it up. Use this routine twice a day, every day, and keep using it after the pain subsides.
- Apply a cold compress
Fill a food storage bag with ice, cover it with a thin cloth or paper towel, and apply it directly to the tooth or the cheek area just outside the tooth. The cold temperature will help ease the pain.
- Do not apply the ice directly to the tooth. This will increase the pain, especially since teeth inflamed by toothaches are often quite sensitive to hot or cold temperatures.
- Take a painkiller
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, which provide quick, effective relief for most minor toothaches.Having a throbbing tooth can impede your ability to eat, speak, and get to sleep. It’s also more difficult to treat the toothache when you’re in pain, so getting some relief from an over-the-counter pain medicine can help.
- Use only the recommended dosage printed on the package, or the dosage recommended by your doctor.
- According to dentists Peterborough Ontario, Tylenol is another effective over-the-counter painkiller.
- Use a sea salt rinse
A toothache caused by a blow to the tooth or a mild infection might go away on its own. To help it along, make a rinse with warm water and a spoonful of sea salt. When the salt dissolves, gargle the water in your mouth, making sure it splashes around the affected area. Repeat several times daily until the pain subsides.
- Numb the area
Buy an over-the-counter tooth and gum numbing gel to help ease the throbbing for a few hours. These gels are applied directly to the affected area and usually work for several hours.