Are injections the only method of applying anesthesia?

Injections are not the only method of applying anesthesia. There are other methods that are completely painless and with a complete absence of any inconvenience. The discomfort of receiving local anesthesia is neutralized by general sedation by, for example, gas nitrogen oxide or drugs (sedatives). This practice is widely used in children in the USA. In Western Europe, official protocols recommend (and even require) mandatory local anesthesia (injection) practically for every intervention. And this is blindly respected, and due to possible lawsuits the patients do not give up on them, even when, for example, parents specifically request it. The brampton dentists is exactly what you are looking for in a dentist.

Many dentists personally disagree with blindly adhering to this protocol, without considering the real situation, because every patient should be able to make decisions about themselves.

Modern children’s dentistry, thanks to new materials, is minimally invasive today, does not require more processing (removal) of tooth tissue, which can often be done only with hand instruments.

It should also be mentioned the fact that in very young children (up to 3 years of age), the area of ​​the lips is a very sensitive zone. Every approach, plain examination or tooth washing is very much traumatic for them. The child will react with resistance (often interpreted by parents as a big pain) regardless of whether there is a regular examination, tooth wash or simple “correction” is being performed. Their reaction to all these procedures is very bad and consider it to be very traumatic.

Likewise, the largest number of surgeries on baby teeth, even when processing with a dental “drill” is very short and practically painless. On the other hand, injection itself causes a lot of fear and is much more painful than, for example, when it comes to performing regular “repairs”.

In such conditions, a big question arises whether local anesthesia (injection) is more harmful than beneficial, which can make it more difficult for further co-operation? The question is what will be the child’s reaction after receiving an injection? It definitely won’t be good, but it mostly depends on whether the child was prepared by the parents before visiting the dentist.

But today with the use of many modern materials and tools simple procedures can be done without an injection. And there are a lot of children, who are very problematic and dentists even recommended general anesthesia, who have become excellent patients, only after receiving an “obligatory anesthesia”. Good judgment is always necessary.

That is why it is a recommendation, while there are many countries where dentist do not introduce the obligation of anesthesia (but there is a tendency) before each intervention, to make a good assessment of what would be greater damage for further cooperation.

Certainly, really painful interventions, such as tooth extraction and the treatment of diseased pulp (nerve extraction), must be done with anesthesia. Mostly because they are really painful.

It should also be mentioned that local anesthetics in small children can more often have certain complications. This will certainly not happen with an anesthetic, but if a large number of interventions are needed, it is not recommended to us it if not necessarily.

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By Vincent

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