CBD Facts That Might Spark Interest In You – READ HERE

            By now, people are well aware of the research that has gone into CBD, both as a marijuana medicinal product and as a hemp supplement. There are, in truth, plenty of fascinating historical and scientific facts that we believe worth noting. However, keep in mind that some of the points related to specific medical conditions are still being investigated. For now, nothing is 100 percent conclusive. This article about Infinite CBD, though, is not part of medical advice and is only here to increase your background and core knowledge about the product.

  • Ruling royal families have used CBD: Cannabis derivatives such as CBD have been used throughout history, despite being stigmatized and limited today. One notable example is Queen Victoria, who governed England from 1837 until she died in 1901. Today we have tentative clinical data and several anecdotes that testify to CBD’s efficacy as a pain reliever. As she used cannabis high in CBD to cope with menstrual cramps, the queen seemed to know this.
  • Hemp is one of the oldest crops in the world: Hemp – the CBD-rich cannabis genus variety may have been perfected, thanks to modern agriculture, but it’s far from new. It was traced back to the advent of agriculture between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago by archeologists. Carl Sagan, the late astronomer, and advocate for marijuana suggested in 1977 that hemp may have been the first crop to be grown, although this has yet to be thoroughly verified.
  • In ancient Greece, medicinal cannabis was prescribed: while it is fair to assume that the Greeks did not need a doctor’s note and a medical marijuana card, this does not mean that it was not considered a prescription drug. Claudius Galen, a Greek physician (among other things), has also offered cannabis “juice” as a pain reliever – a classic example of the analgesic effects of CBD. Galen got his idea from what historians think the De Materia Medica, the first known text about marijuana as official medicine. Since then, cannabis has spread to other civilizations as a medicine, such as the Romans and the Byzantine Empire.
  • CBD may combat cancer: While research is still ongoing, a National Cancer Institute study shows that not only is CBD (along with THC) successful in helping with various cancer-related symptoms, but it may also have properties that inhibit or kill tumor cells, especially breast cancer in this case. This means the CBD has stifled the development of cancer cells in layman’s terms while leaving healthy (“nontumorigenic”) cells intact.
  • CBD can help to improve brain function: Everyone must have heard it from parents, teachers, and in the health class – “smoking makes you dumb” (although CBD is not technically “weed”). Indeed, research is now indicating the complete opposite. She turned to medical cannabis for treatment after an accident that left Debbie Wilson with several neurological disorders, including PTSD, seizures, migraines, and memory issues.


By Vincent

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