Could Live-In Care Be Right for You?

Growing old has a tendency of sneaking up on you and it’s never an easy road. It feels as though one moment you’re partying the night away at 20, and the next you’re dealing with your first fall at 70. Reaching old age and everything that comes with it is a scary experience and one that the majority of us are highly unprepared for. The thing that many of us find the most difficult is the loss of independence that comes with ageing – we may no longer be able to walk to the shops, lift up the kettle, or even climb the stairs on our own. This tends to leave us wondering how we are going to survive our everyday lives on our own, and may even have us thinking about entering a dreaded care home. Although this may feel like the only option ahead of us, there are alternatives out there which can provide an alternative solution.

What is Live-In Care?

Live in care is an alternative option to residential care homes, where an experienced carer is assigned to stay in the patient’s home 24/7. Carers are specially selected based on your interests and needs to ensure that you are matched with someone who you will get along with and who will be able to give you the care and attention that you need.

What Can Be Expected of a Live-In Carer?

Live-in carers can be on hand to carry out a whole number of tasks depending on what is required. They canhelp with daily tasks, such as shopping, washing, bathing, and continence care. They are also able to oversee medication and assist in recovery from illness. As well as this, they can take care of housekeeping, including cleaning, ironing and cooking nutritious meals. More importantly, the most common complaint of older people is loneliness, and a live-in carer can be there to provide companionship by taking you on outings, providing emotional support, or even just watching TV together.

What Are the Advantages of Live-In Care?

There are many advantages of live-in care, the primary one being that it allows you to remain in the comfort of your own home, even when you are unable to care for yourself. This not only allows you to retain your house, it also means that you can keep all of your possessions right where they are. By remaining in a comfortable and familiar environment, you will be able to maintain a level of independence that would be inconceivable if you were placed in a residential care home.Moreover, you will not be tied to the restrictive schedules of a care home, meaning that you can eat, go out and socialise wherever and whenever you want. Live-in care can also relieve family members of the difficult decision of whether to place you in care or opt to quit their jobs in order to look after you, and it can provide the peace of mind needed as you will always have someone on hand to listen to you and help you out in times of need.

Live-in care is an excellent alternative to care homes or lengthy hospital stays. It is by far the most comfortable way to experience your later years with the minimal amount of disruption to normal life.

By Vincent

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