Dental Implants – Looking at the Types and Advantages

Dental Implants – Looking at the Types and Advantages

For the people who are having loose, broken, missing or ill-fitted teeth, dental implants will be the best option. The dental Implants are highly used for replacing the dentures, missing tooth, or missing teeth. The implantes dentales Madrid is the permanent tooth replacement treatment, which feels like the natural tooth. Besides giving you the stunning smile, replacement teeth allow you to chew food rightly as well as improve your life quality dramatically.

Complete Overview 

The dental implant is one kind of fake tooth root, which will get drilled in your jaw bone and support the artificial tooth. These implants will serve as the restoration for group of teeth. The artificial titanium root part will be placed surgically in your jawbone where just one or set of teeth are missing. The natural-looking tooth or set of the false teeth is placed over an implanted root. Titanium root will act as the anchor for the replacement tooth and offers stable support for many dental restorations, which includes bridges, crowns, and dentures.

implantes dentales Madrid

Types of the Teeth Implantation 

Highly considered as the type of the cosmetic dentistry, the dental implants can be segregated in three basic forms – Plate Form Implant, Endosteal Implant, and  Subperiosteal Implant.

Plate Form Implant: They are generally used when jawbone is very narrow for the bone grafting. Such type of the implant is quite flat & long in the shape thus it will fit in narrow jawbone. During the implantation, dental surgeon very carefully sets this plate in place and closes your gums with many stitches. After healing, crown will get attached to implant.

Endosteal Dental Implant: Called as ‘Root Form’ this screw or cylindrical type of implant comes in shape of a tooth root and implanted in your jaw to offer base for one, many or complete arch of the artificial teeth. Such kind of the tooth implantation is used only where there’s the width and depth for jawbone is plentiful. Root form the implants look original tooth, as well as are the highly used one for different kinds of the dental implants.

Subperiosteal Implant: Such type of the implant might be prescribed when there is not enough of bone width and height for Root Form and Plate Form implants. This is the custom-made dental implant that will rest on the top of your jawbone but below the gums.

Subperiosteal implant will be positioned on bone into ways: The single surgery or dual surgery method.

For “single surgery” method CAT scan of your jawbone will be taken. Using CAT scan information and state of art computer modeling methods, model of jawbone will be constructed. Computerized model will be used by the dental laboratory for creating subperiosteal implant.

By Vincent

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