Ensuring Safety in Your Workplace

Did you know that each and every year, thousands of Australian businesses have to deal with claims due to workplace injuries? Though there are national guidelines and laws that govern occupational health and safety, many workplaces are simply not setup correctly, and many workers are not fully educated on issues like safe manual handling procedures. This can cost businesses money and time as investigations are undertaken and employees are injured and off the job.

Common Workplace Mishaps

No matter where you work, there are a range of potential hazards and risks. The following are some of the most common workplace injuries that can cause delays, legal action, and cost blow-outs:

  • Lifting: More common in warehouses and in workplaces where there is a lot of manual labour, lifting anything can have the potential to cause injury if not done in the correct way. Part of the problem is that many employees are simply not trained to lift and move heavy and awkward objects in the correct manner. This can lead to some serious injuries, and no business wants to have to deal with a legal case against them.
  • Ergonomics: Workstations that are not setup in an ergonomic fashion can be the cause of chronic and acute injuries. For offices where employees engage in sit-down work in particular, the cumulative effect of a workstation that is not setup correctly can cause problems like repetitive strain injury and tendonitis over time.

Investing in Your Workplace

Given that serious injuries can be caused in the workplace, doesn’t it make sense to invest some time and money so as to minimise the risks? The first step in addressing these risks is a workplace injury assessment undertaken by a company like Work Active. This involves a thorough examination of all potential hazards in the workplace, and also recommendations about sourcing ergonomic workstations. Furthermore, companies like this also specialise in the following:

  • Physiotherapy: On-site physiotherapy sessions are often a good idea for the treatment of injured workers. Not only do these programs minimise the chances of injured workers taking more time off, but they also demonstrate to all employees that you have their best interests in mind.
  • Massage: Investing in regular massage sessions by trained physiotherapists will not only make your employees feel at their best, but may also reduce their risk of injury.
  • Training sessions: Given how common it is that injuries are caused by incorrect lifting techniques, it also makes sense to invest some money into manual handling training sessions for all employees. This has the potential to minimise injury.

Additionally, it may also be wise to put together a new employee training package and work with companies that offer these services. This type of induction training package may include sessions on effective manual handling techniques, instructions on how to identify and report hazards and risks in the workplace, and methods to reduce the risk of ergonomics-related workplace injuries.

Investing in your workplace and your employees by organising training sessions, having hazards and risks identified, and hiring physiotherapists to conduct regular massage and injury treatments could be the difference between a safe workplace and one where injuries are all too common.

By Vincent

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