Every Reason Why One Should Step Into an Urgent Care Clinic

Imagine you are getting late for work, and you end up in emergency room due to some sudden muscular pain, or accidental slip or similar situation. You wait for hours to meet the physician who finally attends you and charges you more than you can afford. While waiting, your work suffers delay alongside the heightening of pain. Due to extreme pain or absent-mindedness, all you could think of was meeting a physician in emergency room. But was your decision right and worth your time and money?

This question is for everyone to ponder over. When meeting through accidents, having cardiac arrest, sudden complications or sever conditions of pregnancy and other such grave medical conditions, one should directly reach for the emergency room. However, if you are suffering from the conditions, which are minor illnesses like fever, flu, fractures, sore throat, skin infections, rashes, breathing discomfort and similar conditions then urgent care clinic is the right place for you to visit.

Although the similar indications both the names imply, they serve different medical situations. While emergency room is to treat those patients who require immediate attention for major issues, urgent care is for those who seek immediate help for minor ones. It is not hard to find the nearest urgent care clinic, since there are thousands of them across the country. Cure Urgent Care is one of these who has found place in the heart of many people, with their prompt service, check-ups, complete explanation of treatments and procedures from their experienced and board certified physicians, walk in without appointment facility, and they are open every day.

The reasons for you to walk into urgent care clinic are:

  • Since ERs have less rooms and beds as compared to the number of patients, an individual has to wait for hours to get a treatment. While in urgent care clinics, you might have to wait for less or nearly fifteen minutes to meet your physician and get a checkup done. This surely saves your precious time.
  • Besides physicians in emergency room, charge you much more than those in urgent care rooms. Provided the attention and treatment they both would give, you would be the same. Hence, it will not pinch your pocket also.
  • The quality of treatment is equivalent to those given in ER. Since urgent medical conditions are of sensitive nature, they need expert handling. The doctors working independently or a part of the clinic unit has specific skills, experience and above all license required to perform such practices. Your health is surely in safe and best hands. Besides, they also keep necessary and the latest equipments to carry out the treatments successfully.

These clinics are those that fall between primary health care and emergency care. With the growing need for some intermediary space to fulfill these criterions, urgent care clinics like Cure Urgent Care have found place in the society. These are especially good for impatient kids and aged citizens. They are fulfilling their purpose of proper health management in the society.

By Vincent

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