Facts about a contraction timer

With the help of a baby contraction timer, the doctor will be a position to determine when is the time ready to head to a hospital. This same job could be undertaken with a stopwatch or a calculator, but this is not going to be precise in any manner. For sure it is a valuable tool for the would-be mothers in order to time their contractions as well. There are tools which go on to record the contractions in an automatic manner. The best part is that you can download the contractions and then share it with your family along with friends. In a lot of ways it similar to a calendar pregnancy week by week guide as well.

The moment you feel a sensation of tightness, press on the start button. This could be felt from inside or from the hand on your belly as well. It does point to a single contraction as well. The moment you are going to feel a relaxation of the uterus then press the stop button. This process needs to be repeated so as to check the intervals of the contractions. In order to understand exactly the length along with the frequency of the contractions, nearly 8 to 10 readings are required. This would measure the length along with the frequency of the contractions as well.

As already stated the contractions would be the tightening along with the relaxation of the uterine muscles. This tends to start off as cramps in the back and then move over to the abdomen in a wave-like manner. At this point in time, the abdomen does go on to become a lot harder. With the series of contractions, the baby is known to pass through the birth canal.

But having said so, it is pretty much difficult to figure out the true contractions from the false ones. The false ones increase in frequency once you are about to reach the end of pregnancy. The worst part is that they are regular and vary in intensity as well. With the help of these, you get a feeling that you are actually heading to labour. But the most important point to consider her is progression. In comparison to the false ones, the true ones over a period of time to go on to become stronger.

There are some contractions that are bound to occur before the water breaks. It is better to measure it with a clock and then check out on how far you are heading to labour.

It is suggested that you go on to try a few contractions. Just start counting one and then wait for it to get over. Do not fall into the trap of counting in between as the exact number cannot be found out. The key is that they should occur at regular intervals of time, and it should get stronger and longer in frequency over a certain period of time as well.

By Vincent

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