How to cancel shakeology

It may reach a point when you feel that you have attained your ideal results or may just not need shakeology anymore, it is very possible to cancel your monthly order of shakeology or a recurring order if you had mistakenly subscribed for a reoccurring order. Just to be clear, it has always been a norm to all customers that receive shakeology on auto – shipment have been receiving an automated email every 7 days before any recurring order ships. The pre – ship notifies the customer with the list of flavor, package size, and the shipment address for easy communication. For any cancellation wished to be made, they must always be submitted on phone or chat with the company’s customer service. But for the best turnaround always submit the cancel request by the best option you deem fit though it is always advisable to try both in case there is delay.


If in need of cancelling shakeology by chat, there is usually a provided link to the chat room on the Beachbody website. To enable the cancellation, you will need to provide account information, type of membership whether it is customer or coach, and email address. After you have chosen on your group type, a box will come up with options for you to choose. Since you are requesting a cancellation, click on it and fill in the product name you want to cancel, order number, zip code, and any other information that might be required for the processing. Lastly, click on submit. You will be automatically redirected and connected to a customer care agent to talk with and mention the reason for requesting a cancellation. You will be given a pdf form to fill and channel it back via email. They might request you for a phone number in order to make the process swift.

To cancel shakeology via phone, there are two numbers that are provided which you can use in getting in touch with the customer care service agents. This are their numbers (800) 240-0913 or (800) 470-7870 through which you can cancel your order. The only requirement is for you to provide account information and any other details needed. A phone call is usually faster though you will need to observe a little patience for an unengaged customer representative to pick your call.

To ensure that the cancellation is effected immediately and with quick response, make sure to submit your request within 3 business days before the next payment is due. Please note that if you are a coach, cancellation will automatically affect your points on contest for any promotions such as Success Club and lead programs. For customers who are still charged even after requesting for cancellation of recurring order, they can call the customer care for refunds.

For any cancellation to be accepted, every customer is required to submit it on their own behalf. Coaches cannot request for any cancellation on behalf of their clients.

Cancellations can also be submitted on email but unfortunately this might take long to be noticed. The best and confirmed option is to give the customer care representatives a phone call.

By Vincent

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