How to get rid of Stretch marks in a convenient manner?

Stretch marks are one of the most commonly found skin problems among the people of all age groups. The might be many reasons behind these including a sudden increase in weight or height, stress, hormonal changes, etc. If you want to get rid of the unwanted stretch marks, then you can visit your nearest aesthetic clinic and consult the physician who would suggest you the right treatment.

Here are some of the best ways that would help you to get rid of stretch marks in a convenient manner. Take a look to know more:

  1. Castor Oil

Castor oil works best for almost all types of skin problems including age spots, pimples, fine lines, stretch marks, moles. You must apply the oil in circular motions over the affected area and leave it as it is for around ten to fifteen minutes so that the skin absorbs it completely. Once this done, put a cotton cloth around the area along with a heating pad and leave it for at least half an hour. It is recommended to go with the process for around a month or more to ensure effective results.

  1. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera can be easily found in homes and is also effective for treating stretch marks. All you need to do is to apply it on your skin and leave it for 15 minutes so that it gets absorbed, after which you can rinse it with lukewarm water. As an alternative, you can also add oil from Vitamin A and E capsules and mix it with the aloe vera gel. Positive results are guaranteed with regular use.

  1. Lemon juice

Apply lemon juice on the affected area in circular motions and leave it for ten minutes so that the skin can absorb it completely. Rinse it off after ten minutes with normal water. You can also add cucumber juice and then apply the mixture for the same duration.

  1. Sugar

Sugar acts as a great scrub for the skin and works against the stretch marks as well. For using this remedy, you would need to mix the sugar along with almond oil and lemon juice and then apply it in circular motions over the affected area. Use this remedy regularly and you will be astonished to know that the marks have eventually become lighter over the course of time.

  1. Potato juice

Cut the potato into medium slices and apply it over the affected area. Let the juice settle on the skin for a few minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water after it is done. Potato contains minerals which help in rejuvenating the skin and help in its restoration.

  1. Olive oil

Using olive oil for your skin regime is extremely effective and helps in rejuvenating the skin to a great extent. You would just need to massage the oil over the affected area for around five to ten minutes in circular motions and then leave it so that the skin absorbs it well. Using this before sleeping would show great results.

  1. Alfalfa

The Alfalfa leaves contain a great amount of amino acids which help in boosting the overall health of the skin. Use alfalfa powder along with chamomile oil and apply it on the skin on a regular basis. You would surely see a great improvement in the stretch marks fading away gradually. Alfalfa paste can also be applied to the affected area as a remedy.

Well, these were some of the best ways to shove off the issue of stretch marks and vouch for a healthier skin.

By Vincent

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