Did you know that maintaining your oral health results in overall health? Yes, it’s important to keep your oral health in health condition because it will impact on your body and results in complications, if not maintained properly. Brushing your teeth twice a day is preferred and if you feel you’re facing a problem with the wisdom teeth then it’s recommended to get it extracted.
However, the wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure that could be painful involves extraction of one or two wisdom teeth. It’s the four permanent adult teeth that are located at back side of your maxilla and mandible. If your wisdom tooth doesn’t give room for the growth, results in intense pain, infection, and other dental complications then it’s time to pull your wisdom teeth. The extraction is done by an oral surgeon or a dentist.
Growth of the wisdom tooth
A wisdom tooth grows between the age 17 and 25 and it’s the third molars that are permanent teeth which erupt in your mouth. While some people might be having deficiencies and couldn’t develop wisdom tooth, for others the teeth will erupt normally and doesn’t cause any problems. A majority of people might develop an impacted wisdom tooth that doesn’t have enough room to grow into your mouth or develop normally.
An impacted wisdom tooth might:
- Grow at an angle toward the second molar
- Grow at the back of your mouth
- Grow toward the other teeth and if the wisdom tooth is within your jawbone
- Grow straight up or down like another tooth, but it might get trapped within your jawbone
- Problems associated with the impacted wisdom tooth
You might need to pull out the wisdom tooth and it results in problems, like:
- Intense pain
- Traps debris and food behind your wisdom tooth
- Periodontal diseases, such as gum diseases or infection
- Tooth decay in the partially erupted wisdom tooth
- Damage to the surrounding tooth or bone
- Cyst development around your wisdom tooth
- Complications occurred with orthodontic treatments while straightening your teeth
Prevents upcoming dental complications
It could be difficult to predict the dental problems that are linked with the impacted wisdom teeth, but here’s the logic to prevent extraction:
- Sometimes, symptom-free wisdom tooth might result in infection or gum disease
- If there’s not enough space for your teeth to erupt then it’s hard to get clean the surrounding tooth properly
- Serious complications related to the wisdom tooth is likely to happen less in young people
- Old age people might experience more trouble with the surgery and aftereffects of surgery
A majority of wisdom tooth extraction might not result in a long-term complication, but a removal of the wisdom teeth seldom requires a surgical assistance. This surgery involves incision to the gum tissues and removal of bone if necessary. The complications that include:
- Agonizing dry socket or bone exposure during the post-surgical time and blood clot might take place from the surgical wound site.
- Socket infection from the bacteria or due the trapped food elements
- Nearby teeth are damaged including the jawbone and nerve
Your dentist might ask various questions related to your health before the tooth extraction and makes you feel comfortable for the surgery. Local anesthesia is given during the wisdom teeth removal procedure to make the area numb, which would be great to operate.