As any smoker can tell you, quitting is no walk in the park. There’s a reason so many people persist with smoking tobacco products despite the many health warnings given to them by trusted medical professionals, and even despite experiencing major health problems as a result of their bad habit. The truth is, quitting smoking is tough, but it doesn’t have to be as stressful as you may be making it out to be in your mind. Half of the battle is in your head. If you can set yourself up for a stress-free quitting experience, you’ll be far more likely to leave the cigarettes behind for good.

  1. Consider a replacement device. If you’re not quite ready to shove nicotine out of your life for good and going cold turkey in the past has only led to misery, you’re not alone. Plenty of former smokers have found relief by switching from carcinogen-laden tobacco products to vaping. You can easily access devices from retailers like VAPED that allow you to get all of the satisfaction of smoking without all of the toxic chemicals. The variety of vape liquids also taste and smell a whole lot better than cigarettes, and you can then taper down your nicotine until you feel comfortable going completely nicotine-free and leaving the habit behind for life.
  2. Find a healthier replacement habit. For many people, finding a habit that relieves stress makes the process of quitting less difficult. Exercise is a great first choice – it’ll give you goals to work toward, a rush of endorphins to boost your mood and reduce anxiety, and you’ll have the opportunity to see how your lung capacity and fitness improve the longer you stay away from the smokes.
  3. Have a powerful motivations list. Without a real motivation to quit, it’s unlikely that you’ll stick to your resolution. Write a clear list of motivations that really mean something to you. These could include things like the amount of money you’ll save by cutting out cigarettes, as well as the years you’ll add on to your life. Having a child enter into your life can also be a great motivator. Make sure you have all of these poignant reminders written down and in your pocket at all times so you can read through them whenever you feel weak.
  4. Get support from those you trust. Telling the people around you that you’re planning to quit can be a huge help when the day does arrive. They’ll be able to offer support and encouragement, as well as plenty of congratulations once you’ve hit a major milestone. Choose trusted people to confide in when you need extra help, and consider joining a support group aimed at others trying to quit for more fellowship.
  5. Practice plenty of self-care. Because many people use smoking as a way to reduce stress or self-soothe in some way, self-care and relaxation is especially important during the process of quitting. Plan activities that you know help you feel at ease during this time, and factor in time to chill when you need a break. Booking in a massage or some pampering time at your local salon (men are welcome, too!) can be a great way to reward yourself for your positive decision while getting some much-needed relaxation.