Identifying Chronic Pain with Dr. Karl Jawhari

Irrespective of the age of man, pain is a part of life, man has evolved himself facing a variety of pangs and combating them eventually. Chronic pain is one of the lot, which basically refers to the kind of pain that does seem to subside at any moment. No matter how many doctors you visit or how many pounds of medicines you give to your body, your pain does not just leave you. Like in a battle you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your enemy, similarly before dealing with any kind of health issue you need to know enough about it. You can get all the information about such chronic pain from Dr. Karl Jawhari of Texas.

A chronic pain in most cases erupts from complaints of headaches, migraines, arthritis, strain of muscles, back pain, IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease), some kind of damage in the nerve, or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). It could evolve from as simple a thing as an acid reflux or something as fatal as cancer. Chronic Pain Syndrome, better known as CPS, is more commonly found to be an issue with the elderly.

Because the symptom of CPS is merely pain, it is often not clearly understood and therefore not attended to, effectively. However, if anyone does experience any kind of pain that remains for a prolonged duration say about 3 months, it is evident that it chronic pain and nothing less. Only one who has enough knowledge about this syndrome such as Dr. Karl Jawhari has genuine understanding of when a particular pain can be diagnosed as CPS.

The effects of chronic pain can be disastrous if not addressed at the right time; they can lead to excessive harm to the cardiovascular system, the nervous system as well as to the musculoskeletal system. The range of this kind of pain can be from a small portion to a widespread area of your body and includes the likes of soreness, excruciating pain, shooting pain, throbbing pain, stinging, stiffness and even a sensation of burning.

Often chronic pain is mistaken with fibromyalgia, though the two exist simultaneously but they do have two distinct identities. The most apparent difference between the two are that while the former has a particular source of origination such as a broken bone, the latter does not have any specific cause of evolution. Among the other disparities is the fact that a chronic pain is not necessarily always related to the nervous system, but a fibromyalgia is particularly a disorder of the nervous system.

It has been found that CPS is closely related to both the body and the mind; often people fighting with depression end up having chronic pain in some body part. Any individual could be extremely fatigued with reduced interest in any activity yet not feel sleepy, not feel hungry, have extreme mood swings, all of these may well be the symptoms of chronic pain syndrome. Hence to ascertain whether a particular ache in your body belongs to this category or not, the best thing is to not neglect it and seek the advice of a doctor.


By Vincent

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