The first meal of the day which is taken before undertaking the whole day works is breakfast. Which is usually eaten in the early morning. Therefore, it is always recommended by the doctor’s that breakfast should never be skipped by anyone as it is the most important part or the starting point of the whole day. Breakfast should be taken health and in little high quantity in comparison to other all meals of the whole days, as it provides energy and keeps a person active. Therefore cooking breakfast and eating breakfast should never be skipped as it is the energy booster for the whole day. Skipping breakfast may lead to many diseases or problems and inactiveness for the whole day.

And for breakfast, eggs and bacon are recommended the most and is considered to be the best. They can be risky if taken in high amount and on regular basis which may lead to many diseases and problems like high blood pressure, heart diseases and elevated cholesterol due to high amount of cholesterol in egg and saturated fat and sodium in bacon. But along with that it is healthy also due to the protein contained in it therefore it is added in the modern healthy meal plans. Therefore cooking breakfast with two eggs and three slice of bacon is more than enough. And it is recommended that one should use eggs with yolk removed and turkey bacon in which sodium and saturated fat is low or one can even try with meatless bacon which is made up of protein plants. One who doesn’t prefer or doesn’t like meat can prefer this meatless bacon which is very health, rich in protein, cholesterol free and low in saturated fat and sodium. For maintaining good health 462 calories is more than enough for a breakfast.

As you all know that cooking bacon is very easy and quick. Therefore there any many easy recipes that can be made very quickly for the breakfast. Some of the easy and quick recipes that can be cooked for breakfast are French egg and bacon sandwich, bacon and cheese quiche, maple bacon pancake, bacon fry, bacon and egg sandwich and burgers, crepes with filling of spinach, bacon and mushroom, quiche bacon tarts, maple Praline bacon, wraps of bacon and eggs, bacon jam, caramelized bacon, spiced bacon twists, strata of bacon, egg and cheese, bacon pie, frittata of bacon and cheese, bacon muffins, egg and bacon tarts, and many other recipes are there which you can easy get by searching. But most important thing one has to remember is that never take bacon in high amount that too in regular basis. And always prefer taking low sodium turkey bacon in comparison to the regular basis bacon which is high in sodium and saturated fat. If taken in high amount on regular basis it may lead to several diseases along with the increase in the body weight which will become difficult for you maintain. Cooking bacon in breakfast is best if taken in right and systematic manner and in right amount.

By Vincent

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