Treatments for Hyperphagia

different types of treatment

Just like other forms of eating disorder, binge eating must be treated immediately and properly to avoid possible relapses. We must not forget that this disease is a real addiction, so do not take it lightly. In the following article, you will discover the different types of treatment to cure binge eating.

Treatments for hyperphagia

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy is one of the treatments offered to subjects suffering from food addiction such as hyperphages. This care consists in helping the patient to be more aware of his behavior with regard to food and to control his emotions. Various counseling, relaxation techniques and training sessions about nutrition are provided by the therapist during this first type of treatment. Behavioral therapy is one of the treatments offered to subjects suffering from food addiction such as hyperphages. This care consists in helping the patient to be more aware of his behavior with regard to food and to control his emotions. Various counseling, relaxation techniques and training sessions about nutrition are provided by the therapist during this first type of treatment.

The specialist who supports the hyperphagic individual may also be encouraged to keep a diary to better track the number of calories he consumes daily. This technique helps him a lot in controlling his eating behavior. Behavioral therapy also aims to make patients aware of the harms of food addiction.

different types of treatment

Interpersonal psychotherapy

Aside from behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy is also required to treat this eating disorder. This second type of treatment consists in improving the relational problems that encourage hyperphagic individuals to relieve their pain in the consumption of high-dose foods.

Several solutions can be adopted, such as the consolidation of the patient’s relationship with those around him and the development of his communication skills.

During this therapy, the support of relatives is really necessary for the good treatment of the hyperphagic individual. In more complex cases, the patient may even be invited to join a speaking group to share their concerns and experiences with others hyperphagia attacks from the same form of addiction.

Solutions to control hyperphagia attacks

In addition to its different therapies, the hyperphagic individual must also learn to control his hyperphagia attacks to overcome his treatments. Here are some solutions that will surely help you overcome them:

  • Respect meal times and never miss or skip them.
  • Avoid the temptations to eat by never keeping your favorite foods in the refrigerator or in the cupboards.
  • Forget about dieting for a while. This helps to restore order in his eating behavior.
  • Reduce as much as possible the stress that can lead to eating while being active or playing sports.
  • Do not hesitate to talk to friends and loved ones about his problems.

By Vincent

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