What Are The Various Tests Involved In Full Eye Examination?

What Are The Various Tests Involved In Full Eye Examination?

Apart from sleeping, a person makes use of his eyesight for almost every activity he performs, from surfing the internet to driving to reading. And as eyesight plays such a crucial role in the life of a person, he is required to protect his eye health. A person can successfully achieve this goal by making appointments for a full eye examination at the office of his optometrist.

At such an eye appointment, a person can expect to undergo many basic tests. Through this article, you will be able to learn about such common tests done by an optometrist so that you are aware of what to expect from him at your next visit.

  • Visual Acuity Test

This test is what every person probably thinks of when he pictures himself at an optometrist. With the use of a single eye at a time, a person is required to read letters from a board that is positioned at a specific amount of distance from him. The doctor will then use the responses of the person for the determination of the fact as to where the vision level of his eyes stands in comparison with the standard 20/20 vision.

  • Refraction Test

A refraction test helps in the determination of an eyeglass prescription. A person is required to gaze into a phoropter and stare at the eye chart present on the opposite wall of such a vision test. Through the test, he will be able to see various lens pairs.

The eye doctor will ask you repeatedly as to which of the two given options of lens you wish to prefer over the other. Based on the answers given by you, he will determine whether your vision is affected by astigmatism or your eyes are farsighted or nearsighted. You can also know if you do not need a prescription for vision correction.

full eye examination

  • Keratometry test

This test is used for measuring the curve and shape of the outer eye, which is also called the cornea. The shape of the cornea is known to affect the level of light reflected and perceived. Some people tend to have corneas with elongated or steep curves; this results in a condition called astigmatism. This test is used by an eye doctor to detect such a condition.

During the test, you have to gaze into a machine. The doctor adjusts it according to your eye alignment. Then he reads the measurements provided by the machine indicating the shape of your cornea.


The description of such full eye examination tests helps to make it clear that they are painless and simple. You should regularly visit your eye doctor to catch hold of perfect vision by receiving these eye tests.

By Vincent

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