When did shakeology start?

Shakeology has been changing lives for over five years now. Shakeology was born on the 15th March, 2009. It has been the industry leader for over a decade. Darin Olien is the founder and ingredient hunter behind the sweet shakeology who went to Peru in search of world – class ingredients on the mountains, jungles and oceans. A lot of research was done, super-foods and more nutrients were added. The main ingredients that were to be added were whole food based. With the likes of prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and phytonutrients.

The Co-founder and CEO of Beachbody is Carl Daikeler. It once happened that his wife noticed him eating a burger and she commented that he ate like a first grader. It is the remark that got him thinking. It all started as a dream to help people who do not like to have veggies in their food and was later turned to an arena with loads of benefits like weight loss, increased energy, and lower cholesterol levels. It is in the open that shakeology came into existence because the CEO disliked veggies which is also common to many of us.


Shakeology also came up with very great flavors that has kept it going for the 5 years. Chocolate and Green berry were launched in March 2009 just immediately after the conception of Shakeology – it was the first flavor for the company. Tropical Strawberry vegan followed in February 2012, Chocolate Vegan was next in June 2012, and Vanilla was launched in June 2013 which really had a very great demand than any other flavor. Lastly it was the launch of Strawberry and the Triple Combo Box in January 2014 that closed it all.

Some of the memorable dates in the rich history of shakeology are June 2009 when the facebook page for shakeology was launched, in August 2012 shakeology had 100,000 people on Home Direct and the same year it introduced canisters. In September 2013, there was the launch of the taste sampler and lastly in November 2013, 4,000,000 boxes of shakeology were sold since its launch in March 2009.

Shakeology attained its self-proclaimed title as the Healthiest Meal of the Day thus being a meal replacement shake. Shakeology has a worldwide support from its customers and even doctors love it. The management or rather company has a backup and DVD recorded advice proof from over 100 doctors. You cannot even think of arguing about its taste, texture, and aroma.

Since the inception of shakeology, countless customers and its lovers have benefited a lot from using it. There are no negative reviews of any side effects after using it. It is the best shake available for the best prices and it offers a choice of different flavors of your choice – No excuse at all for not using it. Shakeology works best when you watch what goes down your throat. A little exercise too won’t hurt. It’s all about taking care of your body. Look out for yourself with what you allow into your body.

By Vincent

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