People carry a lot of myths about counseling in their minds. There is a considerable number in our community who completely disregard the need for visiting a communication counseling center. They justify their say with the comment that counseling is nothing but just talking. Then, why should one pay such huge fees? And, yet another group of people reject counseling completely by saying that it just doesn’t work.

Let’s reflect upon the facts related to a Bayridge counselling centre Kitchener and the possible reasons why counseling seems not to work.

Role of Counseling Centers

The counseling centers may specialize in different kinds of counseling be it relationship counseling, communication counseling, couples counseling, and so on. Despite the different themes of counseling, one thing remains in common that all the activities focus to bring about health and wellness in life and adds to their self-esteem and confidence. Visit Ourbis to find out more about these sessions.

Why counseling seems not to work

Some of the reasons when it looks as if the counseling sessions are just not working are:

  • When the quest is instant fix of the concerns
  • When one is trying to implement the ‘right’ solution but at a ‘wrong’ time
  • There could possibly be a limitation with respect to counselor’s skills
  • When someone else has insisted that you attend counseling therapy but never wanted
  • There might be hidden fears about bringing those changes in life
  • Sometimes the person focuses only on the surface problem and does not open up to share things related to the root cause

  • Some people rely more on people’s advice than the counsel
  • Some tend to take only medicine and do not work on the advice and some follow it vice-versa. Yelp offers more information.
  • When one tends to have everything fixed by the counselor and does not want to do anything by oneself

There could be other side of the situation where the results are not visible because it is in progress or the efforts lack focus. So it is best to put efforts to be able to draw benefit out of the therapy rather than allowing such thoughts to surface in mind.

When life signals the need for counseling

In its simplest meaning, counseling is a piece of advice which will help in resolving personal or psychological issues. It is only when one fails to resolve these issues by themselves, that there arises a need to engage with some sort of external help from professional counseling centers. Few signs to visit a counselor are:

  • When you are reacting intensely to everything around you
  • When you tend to assume any given challenge in its worst form i.e. catastrophizing
  • When you are not able to overcome that the trauma is over and such upheavals are part and parcel of life
  • When your emotional disturbance starts affecting your physical health and immunity making headaches and stomach upsets recur

We are all counselors. But if life gives you setbacks which have made you lag in facing the challenges effectively, do not live in despair. It is best to seek professional counsel and extract the best for your life.


By Vincent

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