Who are Discoveryhouses?

Discoveryhouses is a national entity of private ownership dedicated to the prevention and comprehensive care of addictions with headquarters on the west coast of the United States. Usa, California. The prestige in the area of health is due to the tireless national and international trainings and of course the professionalism of its staff and methods that are used in the different treatments to patients who come to this rehabilitation center in search of a second chance. It is for these and many other reasons more than hundreds of families prefer to send their loved ones to one of our two groups, either Men’s or Women’s Discoveryhouses.drug addiction treatment

Today there are many people who are assisted every day in our two groups, both men and women. In his long years of hard work Discoveryhouses has been the recovery of a large number of people, with one of the nation’s highest efectividades of almost 89.9% recovery for those patients who have been treated medically, and that completed their treatments in our houses of rehabilitation.

We are one of the largest communities on the west coast of California, it is for this reason that hundreds of patients each year prefer to spend a lengthy stay in our facilities, because here no one criticizes what they were and what they were due to the consumption of Substances. So many men, and women are here in search of a life of quality and to achieve their goals have to seek professional help that will indicate the path that should be taken.

It is very important to clarify that the patients are free to walk by the shores of the coast, are free to leave to make a tour around the different centers of attraction of the coast, since each of the businesses that surround our houses of rehabilitation provide their customers with healthy fun, free of alcohol, drugs and other substances that awaken the addiction of the participants. This is all part of the therapy of confidence that we as we give to our patients.

These votes of confidence that we are part of a huge network of privileges that the patient you have to earn to enjoy them, in this way, they learn that everything can be achieved through force of will and desires start to do the right things for the good of themselves and the rest of the people around them. Discoveryhouses is without a doubt a paradise where the second chances if they exist.

By Vincent

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